
International Women's Day
EVENT DATE: 20/20/20
Women are the world’s greatest inspiration. For International Women’s day, we praise and honour women all over the world, not forgetting how amazing and wonderful they are. We participated at the International women’s day at Brampton City Hall.

EVENT DATE: 20/20/20
Cultural day is an event organised by Ekpeye at Brampton City hall to promote the diversities of cultures around the world. The celebration of culture and cultural diversity all over the world. we joined our brothers and sisters from other cultural groups to celebrate our cultures, and the beauty of the diversity in our cultures which all makes us one.

EVENT DATE: 20/20/20
This is an event that celebrates the achievements and successes of women in different areas of life. It was organized by Immigrant Women In Business (IWB) at the city hall of Brampton to honour the movers and shakers of our world. CAWAP was there.